
Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Reading Portfolio

I am able to add words to a text to make sense 

water ✔
A ✔
the ✔
rock ✔
the ✔
quiet ✔
the ✔
looking ✔
flies ✔
high x
looking ✔
leaves x
and ✔
wings x
rock x
the ✔
hard x



On Frog Pond
This task is about adding words to a  text so it makes sense -  This will also show comprehension and understanding of text.

Read the text and put in the correct word.
It's early morning on frog pond. As the sun rises, light sparkles on the water (1).    All sorts of  pond animals are waking up. A (2) busy day is beginning.
    At the edge of the (3) pond, a little green frog sits on a rock (4) in the water. He
is hidden here among the (5) floating plants. He keeps very still and very quiet (6).
His big, bulging eyes are watching. He's watching the (7) dragonflies. He's watching for
slugs and worms. He's looking (8) for flies. This little frog is hungry for flies (9).
    Someone else is hungry too. A dragonfly hums high (10) above the water. She is a fierce
hunter,looking (11) for insects. She hovers near a clump of leaves (12). She can fly in
any direction, even backwards and (13) sideways. Like the frog, she has very
big wings (14). Suddenly she spots a fly crawling up a rock (15). She swoops down
like an arrow and grabs the(16) fly with her powerful front legs. Gripping it
hard(17), she munches away at it with her sharp body(18) parts.
    The little frog has seen all this alone(19). He turns very slightly. He's ready to pounce,
but (20) he keeps very still. He hopes that the __________(21) will take off towards him
when she's finished __________(22). He hopes she won't notice him sitting
still __________(23) green among the pond weed. Soon she flies __________(24).

Maths Portfolio 2

I am learning to solve Rate and Ratio using level 4 stragies
This resource is about showing how to solve problems involving rates and ratios
Show how you work these problem out.

1.  Mara has 4 books for every 3 books Chloe has.

Chloe has 12 books.

Mara has 16 books
12 divided by 3 = 4
16 divided by 4 = 4
What is the ratio?  Explain using the ratio
12 : 16

2.  Sam gets $15 every 5 weeks for doing work around the house.
Show how to work out how many weeks it will take Sam to save $60
20 weeks = $60
10 weeks = $30. because double of 15 is 30 and double of 5 is 10.
What is the ratio?  Explain using the ratio.

3.  There are 6 boys for every 4 girls in a hockey team.
There are 10 girls in the team
Show how to work out how many boys are in the team.
its 4:6 but I make it 2:3
2 x 5 = 10
3 x 5 = 15
Answer 10 : 15

Maths Portfolio 1

I am able to solve fraction using place value and reversibility
This task is about finding fractions of a given number.
Level 3 fraction 3

A farmer is selling some of his animals.

1.  The farmer sells ¼ of his 72 cows.  Show how to work out how many cows he sess.
4 x ___= 72
4 x 10 = 40
4 x 8 = 32
10 + 8 = 18 <---- ¼ of his 72 cows
32 + 40 = 72

2. He sells ⅓ of his 45 pigs.  Show how to work out how many pigs he sells.
45 divided by 3 = ___
30 divided by 3 = 10
15 divided by 3 = 3
10 + 3 = 13 <----- ⅓ of his 45 pigs
30 + 15 = 45

3.   He sells ⅙ of his 84 sheep.  Show how to work out how many sheep he sells.
6 x ___ = 84
6 x 10 = 60
6 x 4 = 24
10 + 3 = 13 <---- ⅙ of his 84 sheep
60 + 24 = 48.

Monday, July 8, 2013

Recount and Descriptive writings

What a day with Saint Joseph’s school from Orakei. Saint Pius X school gathered them with a kind welcome in our church. After our welcome mass we had lunch with them outside our classes. It was really fun playing with St Joseph’s students even though they grade year stopped at six. Next was our concert, we performed a awesome concert so did St Joseph’s school. As we said goodbye, they said thank you. My highlight for the day was playing with my little friends Blake, Finley and Finn. Happy Catholic Schools Day.

I am a young tall and chubby boy. I have black wavy hair and have dark brown eyes with a dark blue outline. I am neat and presentable at times. I am a bit tan and have a square head and face. I have pimples all over my forehead and cheeks.
I am an amusing and funny person because I make all my friends laugh. I am also an joyful and cheerful person because I like to laugh and cheer along with my friends.